"Mission Constitution" unanimously rejected by Western countries |
Yamen proposed "missionary charter," there are eight main elements, as follows:
1, the foreign orphanage Yigai abolished. If hatred is located together, only those who promise to teach the children received instructions from. And must be reported to the official filing.
2, Chinese women are not allowed to enter the church. Nuns are not allowed in foreign missionary work in China.
3, when the missionaries to obey Chinese laws, customs, and not on their own. Especially not overstepping authority and abuse people.
4, according to Chinese laws and the implementation of the Chinese cases, foreigners according to the West case. To serve the people.
5, missionaries to preach any province, to be a passport. Shall not be dark to go to other provinces or passport to someone else. The clearance card all taxable, not secretly carry cargo.
6, missionary church income should be subject to fine people to visit the law without committing evil things, when the debit closing it, into those who teach that after the eviction was unlawful to teach outside. |
7, the missionaries were not guilty of meaning dry, prevent unauthorized use of seals off delivery notes.
8, missionaries must not let the selfish, caused by invasion of the civilian population to avoid Qi Xin.
Articles published, governments have been unanimously rejected. "European countries do not quite Kano, means no middle misdeeds within the meaning of priesthood, according to non-real, and that the Department, we prove that a loss of two, instead of the side," so, "are set to ignore."
For example, the American Minister Lou Ferdinand claim: the Qing government is hardly necessary to answer a few articles of association, because they seem only concerned with the Roman Catholic disabilities, the U.S. Protestant missionaries have never been accused of interfering in the proceedings. Lou Ferdinand also accused the constitution the second is the "most unwise," because to allow women to join the church that "the advancement of women. The glory of the Western countries if the Qing empire in the West would want to become famous, such a policy is unwise The. "
Germany views the Li Fusi tougher, saying bluntly that "the proposed eight of your Wangda Chen, the minister would like to be around and difficult both by the line, there can not help but be changed within the Department" and that, if accepted, Yamen "missionary charter ", the same result" does not make the Catholic missionary in China. "
Response to the missionaries of the charter is quite intense. For example, the British missionary Young non-namely, that: requirements to enter the mainland Chinese missionaries to obey the law is intended to be quite insidious, because "Chinese people fully understood, under such conditions, the missionaries did not dare to enter the mainland. To enter the mainland is not only stupid but suicidal behavior.'s subjects in China means that almost any form of trial in the case, imprisoned, tortured and executed. "
However, the Qing court promulgated the "constitution", after all, has its special targeted. Seoul American missionaries to Fiji admitted: "The official notification directly or implied in some of the important allegations are not complete without basis in fact empty," but also worried that if the mission in accordance with the provisions of the Qing, the "missionaries and Chinese believers must suffer many hardships, even can not escape the cruel persecution throughout the Empire. "
Secretary General of Hart's warning should be the most pertinent. Hart believes that "good news" If you want to spread rapidly in China, it is necessary to avoid interference in China's judiciary, he said: "The Christian church has not changed is that he is a Chinese people, but should, like all other people of China are the same as must continue to comply with the laws of his country and his country to obey the court's decision. missionaries only a missionary only, and must be limited to his own missionary work, try to avoid litigation and to intervene in any action to prevent the Chinese officials means. Only by adhering to this principle and honor, enduring, then the local gentry people, provincial and central government officials in order to eliminate hatred. " |
Villagers "irrational" to reject "missionary charter," the reason? |
"Mission Constitution" die a natural death, is a very regrettable thing.
History of the late Qing, the "lesson plans" on the political situation to the impact, both breadth and depth, far beyond other types of events - the late Qing lesson plans lesson plans began in 1842, Beijing, Shaanxi, in 1911 the end of long military lesson plans, stretching 70 years, compared with the late Qing always, as long as its duration, is unmatched by other events over the same period, which produces a number of diplomatic disputes, but also other events over the same period can not be compared.
Refusing to "missionary charter," the reason, there is particularly noteworthy that the Chinese people in Western countries "irrational" fears, the ministers are mentioned: the charter are talking about the "eye-gouging profile Heart" false rumor among the Chinese people have great market, if accepted "mission charter" can not guarantee the safety of missionaries. |
This "reason" is sufficient?
Discussed later scholars and opinion lesson plans, rumors are bound to talk about the blind obedience of the people, such as Tianjin Massacre Boxer movement had a history of widespread "eye-gouging heart of the pharmaceutical profile," said. However, the rumor is definitely not the real trigger the outbreak of the late Qing lesson plans, is a strong evidence to the contrary: As the front line of Western red cross Opening of the city, Shanghai, wells and the spread on foreign missionaries to teach far more than the village gossip society, however, Shanghai has not happened because of rumors and lesson plans.
The real key is not rumor, but rather: in modern China since the lesson plans, most of them occurred in rural areas.
- Buddhism and Taoism are different, modern Christianity lack of respect for China's rural society. In fact, this lack of respect, as early as the Ming Dynasty era existed Ricci, Ricci has praised the city of Nanjing and Beijing's magnificent, but lamented that the spirit of all Chinese people fall in the evil cult. Modern missionaries also harbor such a "spiritual arrogance." But, in the era of Matteo Ricci, the Ming dynasty, the material is far from Europe, the narrow cross-flow that dirty water "empire" can match, so Ricci also had to put its own disguised as a naturalized Confucianism the "Confucian" in order to get a foothold in the land of the Ming Empire; and the late Qing era, the East-West national situation reversed, making the new era of missionaries who do not have to like the older generation has been completely Ricci as a "flattering Confucian "way to search for the East Empire" return ", the kind of cultural arrogance from the" Save To ", you can not hide in the rural society in the Qing Empire, intended to smooth expression.
However, despite the country into a major change in the situation, but the second half of the 19th century traditional Chinese rural society has not disintegrated, it evolved from the bottom of the Confucian ethical system of social control, self-government is still very powerful. Influence of the church to embrace the dream of radical transformation of the traditional Chinese rural society into its face strong resistance is an inevitable thing.
Church of the impact of the traditional rural social order is reflected in many aspects. For example: These are neither fame, nor the status of Christians, as long as holding the bishops of the card, you can go to ask to see the governor, and local officials fear the impact to the church, often had to be met. In 1862, Governor Luo Bingzhang has written to Prime Minister Chuan Yamen said, learning to teach the people, "relies on France for its leader, often went to ask to see bureaucratic intervention official. Resist the clamor is out, too busy to interview the day."
Another example: Christians can resist the payment of temple events were money. Temple events will be wound up urban and rural areas, especially in rural social life in a major event, with the blessing, entertainment, business meetings and other functions. Organized temple events requires a certain fee, usually by the villagers gather together. That time the villagers is a routine expenses. Foreign religion descendant, the Christians have to pay the temple events is incompatible with the doctrine refused to pay this fee, and has been the church's support. From the church point of view, nature has its truth, but to put the Christians live in rural areas, but apparently the rules of traditional rural society the challenge of self-government, not to mention many Christians were not paid the money, but take care not wrong temple events .
More seriously: Christians who also refused to join the militia and pao-chia. Organize a local militia was an extremely important public service, related to the safety of one village, one to the survival. The first major militia to defend the local against banditry, then gradually expanded functions, take the relief of rural society, enlightenment and other matters, such as the manager of social positions, granary, Xing Li village school, free school, etc., become the most important primary late Qing social administration. Christians refused to participate in the public service, does not pay the fare, do not participate in drills, which is equivalent to escape personal obligation, completely does not recognize existing rural primary order. Naturally can not be recognized by other villagers.
Litigation privilege, is the largest Christian conflict with ordinary villagers. In 1882, Bavaria civilians Weizong Ren, because their family nephew Weishao Long Qingming will ask money altercation tussle, was referred to the chow court, Zheng Wei Zongren with Christians temporarily living in Quebec shop. Zheng Quebec that is pointing with his "pretend Christians", and to ensure that the inevitable win. Again in 1864 the Dai Gaoshi Sichuan Guanxian case. Lai Dai Gaoshi deceive Christians brothers rented civilian Zhang Hongyan Valley two years, not only do not pay rent, but will kill Zhang Honglun, Zhang Hongjun stamp will hurt. The official verdict is: Valley of the rent, all vested Daigao Shi, without pay. The Bank of rent deposit paid by the former, she was required to be refunded to the Dai Gaoshi brothers.
Alienated even those villagers who rebel traditional village order, Christians, tend to adopt the same attitude of rejection. For example: In 1878, the Office of Jiangbei Young Qishan announced regret to teach Christians the grounds that Young had to do the chair for a living, after church, no one asked him to do the chair, Yang difficult to make ends meet, teach only regret.
The exclusion means more intense is the lesson plans. Lesson plans since the late Qing frequent causes have been a lot of summary, but the most critical factor is rarely mentioned, when the missionaries were not aware of it: they are facing, not one or two or a group of specific "stupid rogue", but a whole deep-rooted tradition of village self-government system in China. In other words, the villagers rushed into the church hand-held tools and torches, when its address, not Christianity itself, but not the missionaries themselves, while those for the traditional rural society of the "inverse" - those who refuse to pay temple events were money, but take care of temple events were not mistaken; those who refuse to participate in militia and pao-chia, but living in the militia under the welfare of those with pao; and those in the countryside by Christians as "the rule of law" in the manufacture of injustice ... As for those who "dig cut eye heart" of the rumor, but the escalation of the conflict is an opportunity to stimulate it, it is only opportunity. Behind every game lesson plans, and local residents have their own specific interests of logic, the lesson plans due to the villagers of the "ignorance" is not consistent with facts - all behind the cultural conflicts are conflicts of interest.
CD case, as it may be interpreted historical phenomenon:
Since entering China in modern Christianity, has always been the situation with fire and water resistant, non-explosive lesson plans, the people, to teach hatred piled deep, until the Boxer Rebellion led to massive. But strangely, the Boxer has just been suppressed, the great development of the early twentieth century became the golden age of Christianity, believers straight up the number of large-scale rapid decline in lesson plans.
Statistical data to support this strange phenomenon: from 1901 to 1910, just ten years, Catholics from the original 700,000 people increased to 1.3 million, almost double; to 1918, Catholics has increased to about 190 million people. And Protestantism to 1904, from 80,000 in 1901 to 130,000, to 1914, has grown from 150,000 to 1918 has increased to 350,000. "
Why is this so?
Reason is not complicated: Qingmoxinzheng, leading to the rapid expansion of state power, and thus a rapid erosion of traditional rural social structure. In particular, the abolition of the imperial examination system, making the squire Group quickly irrevocably decline, rural intellectuals, personal way to quickly select the transfer to the city. Rapid loss of rural social elite, the result is the traditional system of village autonomy rapid disintegration of traditional rural social relief, especially relief severe loss of function - as reflected in the statistics of Yunnan Province: Yunnan's rapid growth of Protestantism began after the 1911 Revolution rather, it is the use of a village in the famine relief in the loss of the ability of an opportunity, sponsored by the church disaster relief activities, which absorbs a lot of Christians. |
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